One Pebble

This is your journey to your self.
A journey book, not a thinking book.

A journey is about movement. You want real and positive movement, an exploration and adventure into wondrous inner and outer change, and into the freedom of actually living that change. And you want to arrive at the destination of somehow feeling closer to who you are, and interacting more authentically within all that is happening in your world.

There are many kinds of movement. There is physical movement, like a walk, a drive, a travel somewhere distant. There is movement of your circumstances, like a change of lifestyle, career, relationships, belongings, home. There is movement in your evolution, like exercising into fitness, eating into better health, studying into knowledge, practicing into skills, widening your perspective through experiencing other cultures.

And there is the most purifying, clarifying movement:

Your conscious act of opening into truth, wisdom, authenticity, awareness, as you invite and allow a wide open discovery of who you are.

This is your ultimate movement, affecting and determining your every other kind of movement, your every thought and act throughout your life.

The seeker in you is that part of you that feels drawn toward this ultimate movement. And I’ve created this book to help you flow, toward answering that seeking part of you, as I answered it in myself.

In the beginning, and at times along the way, you may not understand what’s happening. You don’t have to try learn or remember anything you read here, because I’m not trying to make you understand. Let your own thoughts about this book clear up naturally and organically, along the way and afterward, at their own pace. The same way it happens in your life’s journey and in all the seamless and smaller journeys within.

It may help if you read one chapter at a time, then read the corresponding Commentary page for that chapter. The book chapters are all about flow; the commentary pages help jiggle you into seeing much more deeply what just happened in that chapter, and the deeper possibilities awaiting within the next chapter.

Your journey begins here.

All words, photos, and art by myself.
My name is Neil.
Male. Canadian.
Welcome to email me at:
iris646 (at) yahoo (dot) com

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